Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Day the Lord has made

I woke up this morning with my right mind. That is enough reason to praise His name. I am able to move, breathe, and during these difficult times I still have food to eat. All of my essential needs are being met, each and every day that I live. I praise God for He is worthy to be praised. There are those that now sleep, without food to eat, and who the devil has beat, before they had a chance to turn. I know God and I know He is the One who is transforming my life. I thank God for Jesus, who came to set me FREE!

Each morning, I love to go to to see the daily verse. This morning it spoke so clearly to me, almost as if they knew exactly where I was at and what I needed to hear:

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

In my prayer time alone with God I have been praying that I have a hunger and a thirst after Him and of the things of Him, and the things that please Him. God is able to give us the desires of our hearts, and as we begin to truly desire Him and seek after Him, many of the other things we want will come into place. I believe the more and more we seek after Him, his ways, and the things He wants us to do, the things in which we desire to do that are not pleasing to Him will fall away more and more, and it will become easier to resist the devil and his schemes. Likewise, we will desire more and more to do what God would have us do.

God will use those who will be used, I encourage people everywhere to seek God continually. To allow your heart to be penetrated by His power, and begin to watch Him work in your behalf.

Life is too short to live life like there is no eternity waiting for us, if you have not given thought to where you will spend eternity, I encourage you to do so. Eternity is a long time to be wrong about that which is right.